About us

Our Services

We at Serving Orphans Worldwide believe that all children are loved by God. Throughout Scripture, we see God’s heart for the fatherless and James 1:27 makes very clear the mandate to care for orphaned children to His glory. We believe that one of the responsibilities of God’s people is to care for widows, orphans, and those who have been marginalized by the economic and social systems of the world. It is to that end that we come alongside the body of Christ to support orphanages and children’s homes.

The Ashram provides short-term accommodation facilities for visitors coming from afar. Interested persons should be earnest spiritual seekers drawn by the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi and should enquire about availability in advance. Housing is provided in several small comfortable cottages with attached bathrooms. There isn’t any strict program for guests. They may wish to join in the regular program of the Spiritual Home for the Elderly at the Ashram. The Ashram founder and president Sri V.V. Brahmam is usually available daily at certain hours for satsang, meditation and consultations regarding spiritual questions.


Imputing quality education to all students of society and committed service to the mankind.

We conceived with the purpose of serving Senior Citizens in the sunset years of their lives

Mission of taking care of the cows with dignity and grace during the last stage of their lives