About us

Orphanage High School

Our core value is to operate on the firm belief and basic principle that every human being has equal rights and should be provided equal opportunities for leading a healthy life, getting necessary education and becoming financially sound and independent.


Through Education vertical, Our Trust supports orphans or semi orphans of the bereaved families, irrespective of caste, creed and religion to educate them, schooling to professional levels and make them attain self-sustainment. We believed that education beautifies man and gives him fame, happiness, and strength to fulfill his/her desires and ambitions.


Classroom Accommodation: Classrooms are spacious and have well-designed furniture with a comfortable seating arrangement for the students. The school has separate spacious washrooms for girls and boys. The management has made drinking water available at multiple points of each floor to scatter to the needs of the students. There is a special dining hall which can be utilized for having lunch or snacks during break periods.


Games and Sports: To encourage the students to participate in sports and games, the school has provided ready to use sports and games material kits for the use of students. A special coach for the games and a karate master are provided to train the students. For primary students playing articles like toys, rotors, inclined sliders are made available. Teachers motivate the students to play every day which makes these kids keep fit and grow faster.


Orphan Students at School


Cultural Activities: Respecting our cultural heritage our school conducts cultural programs celebrating all Indian festivals. On these occasions, colourful dances, musical programs, one-act plays/skits which display our ancient historical incidents are enacted in the presence of invitees and special guests.


Child Rights: In tune with the rules and regulations laid down by the concerned authorities our school management has taken utmost care in protecting the ‘child rights’. There is a ‘child rights committee’ constituted which meets every fortnight to oversee the ‘child rights’ preservation and takes up remedial measures whenever there is an untoward incident.


Conclusion: Our School came into existence with the sole aim of wiping out the tears of those depressed, distressed and despaired souls of our society who want to get educated but cannot because they merely are the victims of circumstances and much deplorable caste discrimination and class distinction driving these poor souls to depression and misery. If we can lift even a single such soul from the abyss of grief, we feel that we are successful in our effort.

Life at school

Morning Prayers

Healthy Food

Games and Sports

School Life

Science Projects

Event Celebrations

Image Gallery